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 Reluli Forum!!!

In jos 
Admin Suprem

masculin Numarul mesajelor : 161
Localizare : baia mare
Data de inscriere : 26/04/2008

Reluli Forum!!! Empty
MesajSubiect: Reluli Forum!!!   Reluli Forum!!! Icon_minitimeJoi Oct 02, 2008 8:30 pm

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Reguli in Romana.
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Reguli privind postarea
[1].Intr-un topic postati doar ce este legat de subiect, discutiile offtopic vor fi pedepsite.
[2].Inainte de a deschide un topic trebuie sa folositi functia Cautare
[3].Nu raspunde la topicuri cu inactivitate mai mare 3 luni.
[4].Titlul unui subiect trebuie sa coincida cu continutul postului.[5].Reclamele la alte site-uri nu sunt permise decat in categoriile destinate reclamelor.
[6].Evitati posturile monosilabice de genul OK, Ms, Bv sau altele care nu denota altceva decat incultura si lipsa de respect.
[7].Este interzisa postarea de materiale pornografice / indecente / vulgare, care ar putea leza dispozitia userilor de pe forum.
[8].Fiecare utilizator este obligat sa faca cel putin un post pe forum, chiar si cei care intra doar pentru a se informa. Utilizatorii cu 0 posturi sunt stersi periodic. Pentru a evita neplacerile puteti face un prim post in sectiunea Nou Veniti, un post care ajuta sa ne cunoastem mai bine.
[9].Nu postati de doua ori consecutiv.
[10].Vorbiti frumos cu ceilalti useri si incercati sa dati dovada de bun simt in continutul mesajelor.
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Reguli privind avatarele,semnaturile si imaginile postate pe forum
[1].O semnatura trebuie sa fie facuta cu bun gust,fara cuvinte indecente sau care instiga violenta,comportament de tip rasist etc..
[2].Dimensiunea maxima a avatarului este de 130x130 pixeli.
[3].Nu folositi ca avatar imaginile de la rank-urile speciale de pe forum [moderator, administrator, etc]. Actionand ca atare, va atrage dupa sine luarea dreptului de a mai avea avatar.
[4].Nu folositi in semnatura sau la avatar imagini indecente/pornografice.
[5].Nu folositi in semnatura bannere care sa faca publicitate altor site-uri/forumuri.
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Rules in English
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Rules on post
[1]. In a post only topic that is related topic, offtopic discussions will be punished.
[2]. Prior to open a topic should use the search function
[3]. Reply to topics with more than 3 idle Month.
[4]. The title of a topic should coincida content with the job.
[5]. Ads to other sites are not permitted except in categories for ads.
[6]. Monosilabice Avoid items like OK, Ms, Bv or otherwise not denote anything but incultura and lack of respect.
[7]. It is forbidden posting pornographic / indecent / vulgare, which could leza available to users of the forum.
[8]. Each user is required to make at least one post on the forum, even those who come just to be informed. Users with 0 posts are stersi periodically. To avoid neplacerile can make a first post in the New Come, a post which help us know better.
[9]. Do not post twice consecutively.
[10]. Vorbiti nicely with other users and try to give proof of good sense in the content of messages.
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Rules on avatarele, signatures and images posted on the forum
[1]. A signature must be done with good taste, without words instiga indecent or violent, racist behavior type, etc. ..
[2]. Avatarului maximum size is 130x130 pixels.
[3]. Never use as avatar images from rank-s special forum [moderator, administrator, etc.]. Actionand as such, will attract after making itself the right to have the avatar.
[4]. Never use the signature or avatar indecent images / pornography.
[5]. Never use the signature to make banners advertising other site-uri/forumuri.
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